Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Myth of Thinking

Call it whatever you want because I don't really mind.
I'm always stunned when I hear people say I think. You think, then keep it to yourself or in your mind because thats the rightful place for it.
To me everything is I know and not I think because when its I think then there's some degree of uncertainty or doubt. But when you know then you are totally convinced you are right. Can anyone tell me he actually stops doing something when he knows he's right.I believe that's the winning attitude .When you know, then there is complete belief and when there is belief there is the will and power of actually going through with something(accomplishment).

Do you think if Thomas Edison thought he could discover light he would have kept trying after a thousand times of getting it wrong? No, I don't think so I believe he knew and thats why he kept trying.Do you actually believe the more you keep trying the closer you get to the solution?

Someway down the line I will start sharing some personal experience and I am sure that will bring more clarity on what I am saying.
I never wait for others to tell me I think you are good or you can do it. I rather tell them I am good and know I can do it.

This attitude alone creates such confidence in me that makes me always have the zeal and passion for striving for excellence.
Never stop knowing and never stop trying . These are very key to progress and success.

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