Monday, January 14, 2008

Beliefs and Branding

Either by fate or luck, I just cant explain it but I have always found myself being given the best advice at all the critical stages of my life and they normally come from random people.
The question then is, whether its my openness and readiness to listen to every advise that comes my way that has brought me this far or is it what others think and say that I am just lucky and fortunate?

To me the best decision made is the one made based on all available information.
At a conference in South Africa(SA) last year, one of the speakers made this statement that "what has brought about the major changes in this world and especially the end of apartheid rule in SA is because the youth listen but refuse to hear."
You can be forced to listen but cant be forced to hear. I strongly agree with this statement.
Today I am where I am now and enjoying everything I am doing because I listened to everything and decided on what I wanted to hear.
The key thing is for us to realize that there are various information sources and that they all compliment each other and so we shouldn't limit ourselves to the few we know or are conversant with. We shouldn't also forget our conscience also speaks to us and it normally does that when we are quiet and when we allow our mind to wander.
Most of my own colleagues, mates, peers, friends, said no, its impossible, are you crazy, it wont work,e.t.c. And today the same people turn around and say we are very proud of you.

I have alway believed we are all made equal and that the only differences existed in our approaches and ways of doing things. And as we all know, some some lead to faster results whiles others take time. So to me, once it has ever been done then I am equally capable of doing it. We should all learn to listen to ourselves so we avoid the number of times we say if only I had listened to myself or even I should have done it or gone for it.

This brings us to beliefs.
To believe in yourself and your capabilities is one of the greatest possessions of man. That alone is more powerful than any external force be it natural or otherwise.
I do nothing I don't believe in and once I believe in something I go all out for it and I also make sure I shut myself out on others thoughts.

I do strongly believe in van Wes.Branding is all about creating beliefs.
It is only when you believe in the brand that you buy it and then you experience it for yourself.
Without the believe there is no involvement and without the involvement there is no experience.
The same applies to life, if you don't believe in something you don't even initiate or attempt it for you to put in the necessary efforts that will yield the desired results.

So then, the question again is am I who I am now by my own doing or actions or others worked it out for me?


Amo said...

Well said my friend....all I can add is that Knowledge is Potential power...but the USE of knowledge is power in itself...and so far you have demonstrated both and I forsee a bright future ahead for you, knowing offcourse that you will use all the knowledge you keep acquring for your own good....cheerz!

Kali said...

Ok I'm sold! I'd like to get into merchandising. I don't know much about it. I was going to start off with the Idiots guide, but maybe you can help me. I need to work with someone with your kind of attitude.
That is what your company is about right? Building brands etc. I'd like to make a Billion dollars. And I think my idea is worth 10 Billion. I just need help. What do you think?